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Elyokim a brilliant talmudic student, is in love with Rachel, the daughter of his Rabbi

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Jewish Way of Life Couples Maale Films Fiction Anthropology

Elyokim, who is an ultra-orthodox and a brilliant talmudic student, is in love with Rachel, the daughter of his Rabbi. The social conventions which govern Elyokim's world mean he will never be formally introduced to Rachel. Elyokim takes matters into his own hands.

A film by Miri Bocker

Special Award, International Film Festival, Haifa Israel 2002
First Prize for short film, Jewish Film Festival, Jerusalem 2002
First Prize, Israeli Film Festival NY, LA 2003
First Prize, Girona Film Festival, Spain 2003
First Prize, Yidish Film Festival, Berlin Germany 2003
Script Prize, Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv 2004

Jewish Film Festival, Jerusalem Israel 2002
International Film Festival, Haifa Israel 2002
Israeli Film Festival, NY, LA 2002
Girona Film Festival, Spain 2003
Yiddish Film Festival, Berlin Germany 2003
International Student Film Festival, Tel Aviv 2004
Student Film Festival, Beijing China 2004
Jewish Film Festival, Pitigliano Italy 2004
Jewish Film Festival, Chicago USA 2006


Produced by Ma'aleh Film School

Director & Screenwriter: Miri Bocker

Producer: Katie Green

Cinematographer: Boaz Shahak

Editor: Avital Muscal

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