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Long Live King David

Is the story about King David true or a legend?

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Documentary History Religion Politics and Current Affairs

King David, the famed sovereign, united all tribes of Israel into one kingdom. The state of Israel sees itself as the successor this kingdom. However, a growing number of scholars now believe that the biblicle story about this kingdom is no more than a fable. This argument has come to involve politics, religion, and many emotions. Where famed biblical battles were once held, archeologists now vie for prestige and honor, left-wing and right-wing proponents wage ideological battles, and Palestinians and Jews fight for the land and for a place in history. 

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Find of Ancient City Could Alter Notions of Biblical David  / NY Times
King David's Palace Is Found, Archaeologist Says  / NY Times
Israel unearths a sacred Roman-era road in East Jerusalem, unsettling a Palestinian neighborhood  / Washington Post


David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of Western Tradition // Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman
In the Footsteps of King David: Revelations from an Ancient Biblical City // Yosef Garfinkel. Saar Ganor, Michael Hasel

Directors: Ido Zand And Yael Leibovitz

Producers: Ido Zand And Yael Leibovitz

Cinematography: Oded Kirma

Editor: Yael Leibovitz

Original Score: Gil Nagel

Sound Design: Ophir Lokay

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